
What is DegreeSight, and why does it matter?

DegreeSight has been built to solve one key problem for students and institutions alike: friction and confusion.

DegreeSight helps universities attract and engage with prospective students in a personalized way like never before, putting a spotlight on how their prior education impacts their future costs. The platform empowers university administrators with the data, workflows, and integrations needed to answer these questions at scale.

DegreeSight’s goal is to empower universities and students alike with a more frictionless transcript review and degree audit process.

What is DegreeSight?

  • DegreeSight creates a branded extension of your website that tells freshmen and transfer students how their credits fit in at your university.

  • We take your articulation agreements, course info, etc and create a self-service experience, kind of like TurboTax for students to plug their AP credits, CLEP, as well as college credits into.

  • Prospective students get real-time feedback, and your enrollment team gets their info so they can follow up.

  • We launched in 2021, and most of our partners are Private, Liberal Arts schools in the Southwest.

  • The students who use DegreeSight are 5x (transfer) and 9x (freshmen) more likely to matriculate. This is the best place to see who your top prospects are.

Last updated

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